What is IFYE Europe?

What is IFYE Europe?

  • IFYE Europe is an open non-profit organisation which aims to help coordinate IFYE work among national organisations.

  • IFYE Europe does not organise exchanges but offers an information platform.

  • IFYE Europe completely depends on the work of national IFYE organisations

How is IFYE Europe organised?


Except for the 2nd Vice president, each member of the board is elected for two years.

The 2nd Vice president: Contact to the organizing committee of the European IFYE conference. The person holding this post changes each year.

The most important event is the European IFYE Conference with the Annual General Meeting that is held during the conference

Constitution and official Status?
 blue-bookletThe rules and the list of duties are described in the so-called

The official seat is situated in Switzerland. Therefore membership fees and all bookkeeping are done in Swiss francs.


How can I become member of IFYE Europe?
To be member of IFYE Europe, you have first be an accepted member of your national IFYE organization.
IFYE Europe has two kinds of memberships.

  • Annual membership: (each year, a member has to pay a fee, currently CHF 20)
  • Lifetime membership: (the members pay once and will be members for life. The fee is currently CHF 240)

Both fees can be paid to your national treasurer or to the treasurer of IFYE Europe. If you pay the national treasurer, give a note to the European treasurer indicating your name, address and type of Membership.

What do I get for the membership?

  • You can participate at the European IFYE conferences!
  • You’ll receive a conference report
  • You’ll receive the Newsletter of the European IFYE association

How is IFYE Europe financed?
The membership fees and the interest of the savings finance most activities. Another important source is the “Raffle ticket lottery” which is held during the European IFYE conferences

What is the European IFYE conference good for?

THE Conference is the most important event for the European IFYE. It is held once a year, in summer, and offers great opportunities to get to know new friends from all over the world. Furthermore, it is a platform for members of national committees to meet each other and discuss the exchange programmes between their countries.

Each year, the conference is held in a different European country. Every fifth year there is also a world conference. The conferences are organised by enthusiastic IFYEs of that organising country. The European board is invited to hold the AGM (Annual General Meeting) during the conference.

How to start an exchange programm?
To answer this question, Finnish IFYE’s have set up a list of instructions to follow. Together with the contacts you find under “LINKS“, you should be able to establish a reliable contact with the countries of interest. Since many organisations are run by volunteers, correspondence may take a while.